Name Reason you are contacting a hypnotist today Email Phone Number Age Profession Relationship Status - Partner's name Children's Names and Ages Two Favorite Locations/Activities Two Relaxing Pastimes Favorite Colors Specific Fears or Phobias For Fearful Flyers: Where ELSE in your life do you notice the same sort of anxiety, fear, or panic? For example, public places, highway driving, heights Compulsive Tendencies ( If any ) Current or Recent Health Issues or Surgeries Other Health Professionals you are currently seeing - include contact info Are you currently experiencing any chronic discomfort? Please be specific Medications you are currently taking Have you been hypnotized before? Have you done any meditation? Do you smoke ( tabacco, marijuana) or drink alcohol? How often? Missed Appointment Policy As a courtesy, I will send text or email confirmations of your appointments. If you have any question about your appointment, contact me immediately. Except for emergencies, If you do not cancel or reschedule your appointment, I reserve the right to charge a $50 “no-show” service charge to your account. Do you exercise regularly? Be specific Do you want to lose weight? What do you see as your obstacles? Unhealthy Food Choices Portion Control Emotional Eating Stress Eating Lack of Regular Exercise Are you experiencing any of the following: Nevousness inability to relax sleeplessness depression sexual dysfunction nail biting panic attacks teeth grinding nightmares poor memory self-mutilation codependency extended greif inability to focus trauma childhood trauma low self-esteem anger management ADD lack of energy/motivation Release Statement I hereby authorize Peter Gross to hypnotize me for the purposes outlined on this intake form and for future purposes that I may agree to. I understand that the success of my hypnosis sessions depends greatly on my own ability to relax and participate actively. I understand that because the results of my sessions depend on my own motivation and ability to share my inner thoughts and feelings, Peter cannot offer any guarantees . Never the less, I understand Peter is commited do everything reasonable and within his power to ensure my success. Send